Tarek Associates

CV review

CV review at Tarek Associates

  • Free CV Review Service

Experienced counselors review and revise your CV at no cost.

  • Showcase Your Strengths

Tailored CV to highlight your skills, experiences, and achievements.

  • Expert Guidance

Ensure your CV effectively presents your qualifications to universities.

  • Increase Your Chances of Success

Enhance your CV to improve your application outcomes.

  • Get Started Today

Let our experts help you create a standout CV.

Contact information

Our team is always ready to assist you with any inquiries or assistance you may need. Feel free to reach out to us using the following contact information:

Contact us

Email: info@tarekassociates.co.uk
Phone: 02045161434

Our address

Unit 202 & 204, E1 Studios, 7 Whitechapel Rd,
London E1 1DU

Get In touch

Please fill out the form below, and one of our knowledgeable team members will get back to you promptly.
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